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2008 10 26 Orto Novo, pepper harvest

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Every year when Orto Novo are ready to clean thier 1000m2 "pepper"greenhouse they let the Swedish Pepper society (Svenska Chilepeppar föreningen) harvest the last of the peppers. This year the plants was somewhat affeted by fungus, but still there where plenty of very nice peppers to pick. About 70 people attended this event. Orto Novos greenhouses are situated close to Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Afterwards we hade coffe and very tasty applepie spiced with Ancho chile.



Our harvest. Peppers include: Rocoto (Red, Orange and yellow), Aji Amarillo ((Aji Amarillo mirasol - I belive)), Hot Lemon, Trinidad Seasoning, Habanero, Serrano, jalapeno, Yellow Cayenne (not in the picture) , Yellow Bumpy, Sivri Biber, Jamacian Bell.


A big Thanks to Orto Novo and SCF for this very nice event :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Some pictures from last year (sorry did not take that many photos this year)
















(sorry for my english - written in a hurry)

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Very interesting ... and nice harvest!We should suggest to Azienda Stuard to do the same ... free harvest just before frost kill all of the plant in open field :thumbsup: At Orto Novo plants are all in pots (as it seems looking at some photoes) or even grown with hydroponics?

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nice report! This is a big chance for everyone. It's a big thing! I see the aji omnicolour (right?) i think is one of my prefer variety. The pod is fantastic and not so heat, absolute good and amazing plant. Next year i want grow some plants of it because the flavor is incredible.Great Patrik :thumbsup:

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Very interesting ... and nice harvest!We should suggest to Azienda Stuard to do the same ... free harvest just before frost kill all of the plant in open field :thumbsup: At Orto Novo plants are all in pots (as it seems looking at some photoes) or even grown with hydroponics?
Yes the grown in pot in just soil. Normaly the grow sallads and herbs (like basil) in a nerby "gigantict" greenhouse. RegardsPatrik

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nice report! This is a big chance for everyone. It's a big thing! I see the aji omnicolour (right?) i think is one of my prefer variety. The pod is fantastic and not so heat, absolute good and amazing plant. Next year i want grow some plants of it because the flavor is incredible.Great Patrik :thumbsup:
Yes your are right (as allways) it is the wonderful Aji Omnicolor. Omnicolor is also one of my favorites and very useful, in the taste it reminds me a little bit of another favorite of mine: Hot Lemon/Lemon Drop. RegardsPatrik

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completely agreed with you. Sometimes by the name of variety the people think about an ornamental or others. This consideration is not so good flavor, not tasty ecc ecc....but when i tried aji omnicolor i say "oh my god, it's absolute fantastic" . A big thank you for give me the possibility for grown it by your seeds.Regards :thumbsup:

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